Vital Statistics
Ohio birth and deaths are recorded in the county in which they occur, regardless of residence. Birth records after December 20, 1908 and death records after 1927 are on file and available here. An alphabetical index of all Preble County births and deaths is available. Birth Certificates are available at PCPH for those born anywhere in Ohio. Death Certificates are only available for individuals whose death is pronounced in Preble County.
Certified copies may be obtained for a $22.00 fee. [CASH OR CHECK ONLY]
Applications for copies can be obtained at our office or by clicking the links below:
Application for Copy of a Birth Certificate
Application for Copy of a Death Certificate
For more information please contact our office during business hours at 937-472-0087
Born outside of Ohio? CLICK HERE
Vital Statistics on Demand
In 2014 Preble County Public Health added a vital statistics kiosk. The onsite kiosk allows the public to do a web search for Ohio births and deaths, as well as see what Ohio county a birth or death took place. Birth certificates can be found from December 1908 - present and death certificates from 1954 - present.
The kiosk is available anytime during our regular business hours, no appointment necessary.

Birth Abstracts (NEW)
Birth abstracts are now available!
Residents born in Ohio are able to obtain a copy of their Ohio registered birth abstract at the Preble County General Health District even if they were born outside of Preble County.
A birth abstract is a birth certificate that contains no confidential medical information. This new abstract is widely accepted to obtain passports, drivers' licenses, and more.
The cost for obtaining a certified birth abstract is $22. [CASH OR CHECK ONLY]
Adoption Records
Starting March 20, 2015, adult adoptees adopted in the relevant years may submit an application to ODH for a copy of their adoption file. The requesting adoptee must be at least 18 years old. Should you have any questions, pleaese contact the Ohio Department of Health's customer service team at (614) 466-2531
Adoption Records Availability (NEW)
More Information
State of Ohio Birth Data and Statistics
Ohio Department of Health Vital Statistics Home Page
Born outside of Ohio? CLICK HERE